Sad times

Since I last wrote about Zak I haven’t come into WordPress, but feel I just had to come back and write another chapter, a very sad one. the unfortunate demise of Zak and Ruby.
They both had a nice sedate happy life together growing old gracefully .
But age did start to eat away at their good life, and Zak developed arthritis in his legs, and gradually his back end weakened.
He often had no control over his bowels and I had to cover his bedding area in plastic sheeting. He wasn’t aware of his ”problem” and I didn’t make a fuss..
Several times on walks his legs would give way and I had to help him back to the car. then one day he collapsed as soon as he got out of the car I knew that this was the end for him. We went home and I called the vet, They came at 3pm 29th of November and he was given rest.
As if that wasn’t heartbreak enough, but dear little Ruby just faded, she didn’t eat nor drink, and when I took her for a walk that evening , she just stopped and looked around. She obviously was more attached to Zak than I was aware of , Next morning was no better, so I had to make the awful decision to recall the vet and put her to rest too. They came 10 am 30th November and she quietly went to sleep in my arms.
To say I was heartbroken is an understatement, Rest in Peace you two precious friends, you gave me so much happiness, and I will miss both of you till the day I die.

Not all sad , another little dog has come into my life, Bertie, and I will put up his story soon.